Web3 Expansion Continues in Atlanta with the Help of Three Pioneering Organizations

No strangers to the Web3 community, three pioneering organizations joined together one Friday evening to host an informational networking event. 


Members from 404 DAO, Blockchain at Georgia Tech, and Spawn gathered at The Clubhouse to hear presentations regarding their latest work and future initiatives while dining on complimentary pizza. 

Hosted by Pruitt Martin (Co-Founder, 404 DAO), Manny Jonson (Co-Founder, 404 DAO), Cole Schendl (Co-Founder, 404 DAO), Rob Schleusner (President of Blockchain at Georgia Tech), and Tony Ye (Co-Founder of Spawn), attendees were provided a wealth of information regarding the organizations.

Spawn, the premier global community for students in Web3, offers two programs: Fellowship and Studio. The former connects students with industry mentors while the latter allows for students to build with established Web3 companies. 

404 DAO announced the launch of their April Buildathon, where students can complete a micro-internship with Nucleo or participate in 404 DAO's pitch competition. The Buildathon will also feature three guest speakers.

Networking amongst participants followed after the presentations and it was clear to all that the Web3 community is expanding rapidly in Atlanta and we’re excited to see its continued growth!