TEP Talk: Five Rings Field Day

With the Summer Olympics in full swing, we at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club thought there was no better time than to host an Olympic-themed event of our own at Technology Enterprise Park (TEP). Enter our Five Rings Field Day activation, where we invited community members to form teams and compete for gold in five events, ranging from physical endurance to mental agility – and everything in between!


On Thursday, July 29, the hottest day of the year in Atlanta thus far, we transformed the courtyard of TEP into our very own Olympic Park, with five stations for each of the events attendees could compete in:

  • Cornhole

  • Ladder Golf

  • Sudoku

  • Disc Golf

  • Darts

No athlete should compete on an empty stomach either, so The Pickle food truck was supplying all of the fuel and hydration they needed in order to perform at their best! Throughout the day, we also asked community members their favorite Summer Olympic event to watch:


Upon completion of all the events, we had our judges (TSQATL staff members) tally up the scores for all participants. While it was a tough competition for sure, only one can win gold! And the athlete crowned victor was none other than Kamal Cade of VERO Biotech, who earned bragging rights and was the well-deserved winner of the coveted TEP Five Rings Field Day trophy!


Of course, a big round of applause was given for all of our competitors! And at the end of the day, while many had their eye on the prize, this event was also about bringing people together, enjoying the sunshine, and getting a little break from work to engage and compete with others.

What’s your favorite Summer Olympic event to watch? Let us know in the comments below!