TEP Talk: Dark Side of the Moon

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” These were the words that American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, uttered upon stepping foot on the moon 52 years ago on July 20, 1969. To celebrate this historic day in a playful way, we hosted a Coffee Talk and served little moons (in the form of powdered doughnut holes and Moon Pies) with a side of lunar-themed tunes and trivia for our community members at Technology Enterprise Park (TEP).


During our Dark Side of the Moon activation, we were delighted to find out that a majority of the TEP members who stopped by that morning knew a couple of things about the first moon landing. Of the seven questions asked, 69.3 percent of those who participated got at least five answers correct! Additionally, 34.6 percent got the bonus question correct.

Dark Side of the Moon: Trivia Participant Scores

Tech Square ATL Social Club - Moon Trivia Data.png

Moon-landing trivia aside, a handful of our members had something to say about the moon-themed songs playing in the background – particularly the song “The Great Gig in the Sky” by Pink Floyd. “This is such a beautiful song,” expressed Joshua Ramirez-Morales, Manufacturing Technician at Abbott. “This song makes me emotional every time I hear it,” he shared with other members present as the song played in the TEP lobby.

With Pink Floyd’s “Brain Damage” song lyrics containing the words “I'll see you on the dark side of the moon,” Pink Floyd is also whom Vicky Fowler, our musically-inclined team member at Tech Square ATL Social Club, drew inspiration from in connection with this Coffee Talk’s celebration of this historic moon-landing event. Meanwhile, on one of the screens in the lobby, live footage of another historic event was playing: We saw Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin launching its New Shepard rocket on its first crewed spaceflight!

And this is exactly what you could expect from our community activations: the intersection of technology, innovation, music, pop culture, and more. As a member, you can co-host one of these community activations with us – learn more about the types of activations here.

Feeling like you missed out on this community activation? Listen to Vicky’s moon-themed playlist below!

[Questions] 7.20 Coffee Talk National Moon Day.png


We have more computing power in our smartphones now than the computer aboard Apollo 11 did when it went to the moon back in 1969. The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), which was a state-of-the-art computer in its time, had 32,768 bits of random access memory (RAM). For comparison to the technology we have today, the latest phones typically have 34,359,738,368 bits of RAM!

What is one moon-themed song you would add to the playlist? Let us know in the comments below!