TEP Talk: Uncommon Olympics

Prior to the Olympic Flame being extinguished on Sunday, August 8, signaling the official end of the historic games, we wanted to host one more themed activation in honor of such a momentous occasion. This summer had been quite the spectacle, with Simone Biles and dressage captivating the headlines, amongst other record-breakers. But what about the unsung heroes? What about the events that require elite athlete-level training, but aren't recognized as official Olympic sports? Enter: Uncommon Olympics – a Coffee Talk we hosted at Technology Enterprise Park (TEP) that shed light on the types of activities that should be in the Olympics, but aren't currently. 


Folding a fitted sheet. Carrying all the grocery bags in one trip. Making your bed. None of these tasks are an easy feat, and some seriously deserve a medal for accomplishing. So, armed with coffee and doughnuts for all participants, we asked our Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club members what atypical events they’d like to see in future games.

From more physical endurance nominations, like lacrosse and salsa dancing, to more mental agility suggestions, like chess and video games, the ideas came pouring in and didn’t stop! We also uncovered that even though our TEP community members have enjoyed our Olympic-themed activations as of late, like our Five Rings Field Day, they aren’t really actively following or watching the Summer Olympics. In fact, several attendees didn’t even realize the following events are part of the current lineup: soccer, basketball, hockey, and surfing.

But whether there’s a request for activities that have to do with food or robots, it's clear there’s a desire for more events all around and the Olympic Committee should seriously consider these recommendations and give the people what they want! 

What uncommon Olympic event would you like to see featured? Let us know in the comments below!