TEP Talk: Math + Mimosas: Easy As Pi(e)

With bellies full from all of the Thanksgiving festivities (and feasting), we’ve all sworn we couldn’t possibly eat another bite. But there’s always room for pie! And since we love an alliteration here at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club, we knew hosting a Monday Math + Mimosas activation would be a sweet treat!


Perched in the lobby of Technology Enterprise Park, we embraced our pie themed activation with some Pi memorization. In order to earn a slice of pecan, pumpkin, or apple pie – and a refreshing mimosa to wash it all down with – participants had 30 seconds to memorize as many digits of Pi as they could and then had to recite them out loud for accuracy.

To no surprise, our community of researchers, scientists, chemists, and engineers performed really well! Majority of members (71%) were able to memorize the average (7 digits) or more! But one attendee really took the cake – or pi(e), in this case. Stuti Sagar, an Engineer II at Abbott, correctly recited an astonishing 31 digits! And her amazing memorization skills earned her more than a slice of pie and an adult beverage – she also received an Amazon gift card for all of her hard work!

How many numbers do you think you can recall at one time? Try it for yourself here and comment below with your score!

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