Facial Tracking and Occupancy with Known Quantity Sensors

Automation and data collection through artificial intelligence, is why Known Quantity Sensors is on the radar for buildings and organizations looking to make energy use, development planning, and now security better.

Known Quantity Sensors is a company operating out of The Garage at Tech Square, originally building its technology to reduce energy consumption. Using their occupancy sensors, they are able to accurately depict whether a person is within a space using lighting and HVAC systems. Using those sensors connected to building automation, they can increase energy efficiency by 167%, potentially save thousands of dollars by turning off systems when people are not detected in the space.

Receiving a grant from the science-technology partner for the Department of Homeland Security, Known Quantity Sensors is now looking into using their technology in the security sector. They aim to help first responders get to the correct area faster, using AI to recognize certain patterns of individuals or events within a space.

"Being located in Midtown Atlanta is a No-Brainer. There's a lot of activity here, between the corporate innovation centers, other startups that are growing, and Georgia Tech itself, there's a lot of energy here to get access to." -COO, Chris Shaner.

Within The Garage at Tech Square space, Known Quantity has set up several sensors to run usage maps of the space. This data can provide insights on what areas are being used the most in order to change layout of furniture and schedule HVAC systems to make them more efficient. They are also experimenting with facial recognition in order to track members and event guest's individual patterns.

"If you can do it more efficiently, why wouldn't you? Computer vision offers that opportunity, then you're layering in artificial intelligence on the backend to be smarter about it. It gives you a level of data you wouldn't get otherwise" -Chris Shaner

Check out our video interview with Chris above and give http://www.kqsensors.com a visit to learn more.