Tech Square Predictions for 2019

Before the new year, we did some quick interviews with people working around Tech Square and asked them “What technology will be the big breakthrough in 2019?” From blockchain to data management and security, to self-driving cars; we all are excited for what the new year will bring. Hopefully in a year, we can revisit these predictions and see who may need to be checked for super-powers. Take a look at the prediction videos below, and be sure to let us know if there are any breakthroughs for 2019 that should be added.

Christopher Garland

“We’re at the transportation hub of America, which is a confluence of three major interstate highways. With all of these different suppliers coming together, I’m thinking it has to be blockchain.”

Lisa Chambers
Quest Renewables

“Blockchain, blockchain is definitely the technology I’d go with”

Tyler & Kit Johnson
Covergent / Privops

“2019 is going to be the year that people finally start to realize that metadata management is the key to digital transformation. It’s the key to every cloud. It’s the key to everything.”

Carl Bedingfield
AT&T Foundry

“I think probably some of the most important work that will be done next year will be in the areas of privacy, data security, and personal data management.”

Rhea Perkins

“Getting the VR experience translated to the shopping experience is something I want to see happen. I would love to be able to see myself in items before I go buy them, especially online because I don’t like to shop in person anymore.”

James Dwyer
Southern Company

“Drone technology is really going to breakthrough in terms of being an actual business application. UAVs are just so much cheaper to operate and it’s really just a convenient technology for marketing and filming things.”

Scott Lopano
Tech Square Ventures

“I’m just feeling good about 3D printing and its use case for larger corporations and manufacturing. I’m excited about the opportunities.”

Richard Lee
Georgia Tech

“2019 is going to be the year of self-driving cars.”