Another Open Mic Night Success with TEDxGeorgiaTech

Once again, student-run organization TEDxGeorgiaTech (TEDxGT) took the stage at The Clubhouse by hosting their recurring semester event, Open Mic Night. And as their venue and technology partner, we at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club helped execute the evening that showcased the myriad of talents amongst students, members, and guests!


Focused on displaying the wide range of talents held by theTEDxGT and local community, Open Mic Night encouraged participants to share their ideas and stories to a broader audience in a setting that is more informal (albeit, not any less intimidating) than a typical TEDx stage.

Upon arrival, attendees were invited to answer questions on the whiteboard (such as “Where in the world are you from?" and "What would your TEDx talk be about?"), play games, and even make origami to create conversation and spark new connections. Complimentary refreshments from Moe’s were also served!

Around 7:15 p.m. the first act took the stage. Entertainment for the evening included performances and presentations in formats such as standup comedy, short stories, music, and spoken poetry. Following the event, the audience was encouraged to network and discuss the variety of ideas presented on stage. 

Not only did the creative talent from each performer take immense courage, but it also added to the diversity of ideas in a community generally focused on business and technology!

Would you ever take the stage at an open mic night? Let us know in the comments below.

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