TEP Talk: Cocoa and Career Goals

The beginning of a new year is often seen as a fresh start, and a perfect time for resolutions and goal-setting to take place. So in mid-December we set the perfect foundation to spread some holiday cheer, reflect on the past year, and look forward to future accomplishments by hosting a Coffee Talk: Cocoa and Career Goals with our Technology Enterprise Park (TEP) community members.


Complete with a delicious hot chocolate bar with all the accouterments, sweetly provided by Ben & Jerry’s, attendees were invited to create their own perfect mug of cocoa while sharing their career goals for 2022. The responses varied from very high-level to extremely specific, and everything in between. Interestingly enough, despite our vast range of members (in regards to both their professions and interests), we actually extrapolated some common themes from the data we collected, which included the following:

  • Enroll in continuing education/certification/training courses

  • Advance in/get a new role

  • Stay employed

  • Make/save money

  • Get involved in real estate

  • Expand their side business

Some aspirations went even deeper. Wei Huang of VERO Biotech proclaimed he wanted to “become a leader that can influence others and make a change.” 

Regardless of people’s focuses for the future, everyone was optimistic about what’s to come, hoping that this year will be their best yet!

What are your career goals for 2022? Let us know in the comments below.

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