The Ultimate Tech Square Playlist

Music has the power to bring a diverse group of people together because it goes beyond the limitations of linguistics. With its own language of melody and rhythm, it enables people to find common ground with one other no matter where they are – or where they are from – in the world. Like music, we at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club like to think that we are the thread that brings corporate innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, and students together with our thoughtfully-produced community activations, especially as our members continue to emerge with a different perspective of the world post-pandemic. So, curious about the Tech Square community’s music tastes as of late, we partnered with TSQATL Social Club member Charlie Duprey Langlois to host a Cocktail Talk on a sunny summer day to find out: What was the last song you favorited on your music streaming app?

At the Centergy One courtyard, the community members who joined us enjoyed ice-cold hard lemonade and exchanged their last favorited songs with each other. In planning this activation for our community, we thought it would be interesting to see if there was one stand-out genre that our community listened to, or if there was no specific genre that was common among them at all. As illustrated below, we found that it was the latter: Tech Square is a genre-defying community when it comes to music preferences! 

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“I was surprised at how open and inclined people were when it came to sharing their music. Then again, I think that people are naturally social, and enjoying music is something we all share,” Charlie revealed. “A lot of apps are now created with the ability to share across platforms. As communal beings, we have a natural inclination to share our knowledge and you can see that this is mirrored in technology, as it is in our physical domain.”

And as more of our community members emerge from working at home and are going back into their Tech Square offices, this connection over music was a great way to catch up with people we haven’t seen in-person for a while. “I’ve always known that the Tech Square community is made up of diverse people and experiences,” Charlie observed. “And it’s cool to see it reflected in the musical tastes we uncovered.”

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As a musical memento, Charlie created a playlist based on what our community members shared that afternoon, so take a listen to this sample of our community’s musical preferences, saved below:


In the music industry, the differences between an LP (Long Play) record, EP (Extended Play) record, and a full-length album are all in the numbers – of songs released as a collection, that is. 

An LP record usually consists of at least eight tracks or a maximum of 40 minutes, while an EP consists of six to eight tracks with a maximum of 25 minutes. An album is similar to an LP when it comes to length, but the entire process of creation and release is usually under a record label and not just the artist(s) alone.

What was the last song you favorited on your music streaming app? Let us know in the comments below.