Where Social Club Members Get Their News

Every week at The Clubhouse, we pose a question on our big conversation board about what’s been on the radar for our members lately. This is designed to not only spark conversations and encourage collaboration, but to also allow us to better know our community members in a fun and unique way. Recently, we asked about how or where they get their news.

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With a wide range of news outlets and formats to select from, we received answers representing both apps and publications. Starting with apps: Google News, Apple News, and the News Break app were mentioned. Aggregator apps like these make news updates easier to keep up with, rather than switching from one tab (or publication app) to another. News aggregation apps also diversify news sources, incorporating different types of local and international reporting all in one place.

Finance is another common topic of interest among our members, with publications like the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times being mentioned. With a community of technologists, it’s no surprise that tech news publications like Atlanta Inno, Inverse, Engadget, and Axios were also brought up. Speaking of tech news – if you’re subscribed to The Weekly newsletter, you know that it contains a plethora of information on a variety of tech community topics such as upcoming community activations/events, member spotlights, recent tech-related news, and happenings going on in the Tech Square/Midtown neighborhood!

News apps and newsletters aside, a couple of our members also enjoy tuning into the good old television set for shows like Good Morning America. With the news cycle seeming to only deliver one alarming headline after another, good news accompanied by a side of entertainment can be a form of respite with a morning cup of joe.

Did You Know?

According to this Statista report investigating news and media consumption worldwide, a majority of U.S. consumers responded with television as the main source of news. Social media and online news (apps and websites) followed.

Like our members, do you also get your news in multiple different formats? How else do you get your news? Let us know in the comments below.

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