Unveiling of Community Mural Brings Art to [Virtual] Reality

Two words: innovation and community. Seemingly par for the course, as they are discussed here quite often, it’s those two words that inspired the creation of a 19-foot mural project between long-time partners, Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club and Startup Exchange (SX), and one incredible artist, Shruti Vedula. The idea was to visually illustrate the mission of both organizations, and boy, did it deliver. So, to honor such a momentous occasion, TSQATL hosted an afternoon of celebrating the arts with virtual reality (VR) painting, delicious food and beverages, and a champagne toast to commemorate the unveiling of the community mural, appropriately titled, “The Symphony of Innovation.”


While attendees admired the impressive painting, which took roughly 100 hours and 27 days, guests mingled amongst each other while also conversing over their favorite forms of art. From calligraphy to photography to wood work – and everything in between – the different types of art forms discussed were as expansive and unique as our community members:


As we learned from our Peer Check-In that took place roughly this time last year, the TSQATL community is filled with musical technologists and enthusiasts. So it was no surprise that 30 percent of respondents listed “music” as their favorite art form, with the following as a few reasons why:

“Music transports you from one place to another.”

“Music is the most diverse art form because it's drawn out of thin air, it can literally be anything.”

“It's a universal language.”

“It feels soothing and there is some music for all kinds of moods.”

“It is a way to express yourself and be competitive.”

In general, several people cited various forms of “expression” as the reason behind their favorite art form. And they aren’t alone – many people use art as a means of expressing themselves, their emotions, their thoughts, and there are even therapeutic benefits of doing so.

And just like art is subjective, it isn’t always tangible, either. During the activation, guests were able to partake in painting their own community mural – but with a tech twist. Through TiltBrush, a digital platform that lets you unleash your creativity in 3D via a wireless VR headset, attendees were able to each contribute their own paintings as part of an entire collection – in a completely virtual world. And due to the elaborate green screen setup, bystanders on the outside were able to watch the painting’s progress in real-time on a large projector, and ultimately “experience” the same VR atmosphere the artist was immersed in. 


As the festivities continued and the connections amongst members were created, the time finally came for the ceremonial speeches and ribbon cutting. Shruti Vedula, a second-year student at Georgia Tech and the Director of Marketing at SX, took center stage to reflect on her time and experience painting such a prolific masterpiece.


As she explained each section of the mural and the meaning behind it, she stated “I hope you feel the depth of the color, the power of each symbol, and the symphony of each puzzle piece coming together."

She continued to inspire everyone in attendance that evening, encouraging others to “design for love.” And that’s precisely what she did, exclaiming “I designed for love. I designed for passion. I designed for Startup Exchange, for TSQATL, and for you, the individual. I designed this mural so that you could feel something and relate to it in your own way."

She concluded her speech by thanking both organizations for their time, effort, and help in orchestrating such an intense project, sharing that “the confidence I gained as an artist and as a student of life is invaluable and I have this experience to thank for it.”

For a glimpse into all the action, watch the video below. And to learn more about the entire project, check out our Instagram story highlights and read the full story and artist’s bio here.


It took 460 ounces of paint in 32 colors to complete this project.

What’s your favorite art form and why? Let us know in the comments below.

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