How Social Club Members Would Build an Iron Man Suit

The subject of cybernetics and superhuman capabilities empowered by technology are a favorite topic of conversation here at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club. If you know TSQATL Social Club member, Donald Innocent-Ike, you’ve probably overheard him (and seen him light up!) when talking about technology that exists on the boundaries of futurism and fiction. For comic book character fans like him, the Iron Man suit is the perfect embodiment of this topic. So, out of curiosity for how fellow engineers, researchers, and entrepreneurs at Tech Square would build their own personal Iron Man suit, Donald hosted a Cocktail Talk at the Centergy One lobby on a late Wednesday afternoon with libations in tow.

Tech Square ATL Social Club - Coffee Talk - Your Iron Man Suit - Donald Innocent-Ike - IMG_6936-2.jpg

Of the members who stopped by for cold beverages and conversation, a majority referred to elements of the Iron Man story, as told by the movie franchise (like J.A.R.V.I.S. and S.H.I.E.L.D., for example), as something they would start with. Others joined the conversation with a more pragmatic approach, answering the question with raw materials, components, and features.

Building An Iron Man Suit: What Tech Square ATL Social Club Members Would Start With

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“The most surprising answer [to me] from that evening was ‘ethereum,’ because I didn't understand how the cryptocurrency technology could help the suit perform,” Donald shared when reflecting on the festivities. “The word ‘ethereum’ has a Latin root word ‘-eum’ that other elements share, so to me, it sounds like a great name for a futuristic element that could be more sustainable than palladium as an energy source. It makes me wonder – could ethereum evolve from cryptocurrency tech to a sustainable energy system in the future?” he proposed.

Whether it was energy, raw materials, or defense mechanisms, one thing was clear – most of the components our members would start with already exist. And if they didn’t, we have a hunch that it’s in the works within our surrounding buildings. After all, with researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs making up our membership community, anything is possible with collaboration between the brightest (and most creative) minds right here at the heart of Atlanta’s tech scene.

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Did You Know?

In January 2020, Delta Air Lines announced their partnership with Sarcos – a leader in exoskeleton development – to develop the Sarcos Guardian XO exoskeleton. This robotic suit, designed for employees at Delta Air Lines to wear, bears the weight of up to 200 pounds repeatedly for up to eight hours at a time without strain or fatigue.

If you could build an Iron Man suit, what are the things you would consider? If you had the funding for research, development, and production, what would you start with? Let us know in the comments below. 

Cocktail Talks are a great way to catch up over complimentary adult beverages with other members like yourself. Are you a Tech Square ATL Social Club member who’s curious about hosting your own? Reach out to to get the conversation started.

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