Smart Devices and Our Daily Interactions with Them

Every week at The Clubhouse, we pose a question on our big conversation board about what’s been on the radar for our members lately. This is designed to not only spark conversations and encourage collaboration, but to also allow us to better know our community members in a fun and unique way. Last week, we were curious about the smart devices members interact with that aren’t their laptop or cell phone.


Of those who participated, we found that smart TVs and smart personal assistant devices, such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Google Nest, were among the top answers, at 28 and 27 percent, respectively. Robot vacuums, like Roomba, and even the smart sparkling water machine, one of the many free amenities we have here at The Clubhouse, followed closely behind.

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It’s no surprise that technology has become part of our everyday routine, as we are constantly surrounded by smart devices and features. Whether it’s the coffee machine at work or the lights in our homes, robots, AI, and automation are the way of the present – and future.

Smart devices today can exist in a variety of different forms, and connect with almost anything. From your car, to your oven, to even your sink faucet, this technology created in order to aid in and assist with simplifying even the smallest of tasks has continuously grown. In fact, statistics show that the average amount of connected devices per household is 50! 

So, whether you’re sticking to using just your cell phone and tablet, or you’re living in a completely tech-fueled environment, one thing is for sure – we rely on technology to some extent every single day, which only further spurs the question of how we ever survived without it.


The Internet of Things (IoT) device market was worth $248 billion by the end of 2020.

What are some smart devices you interact with? Let us know in the comments below.

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