Solar Inventions: The New Solar Energy

Solar energy has become the fastest growing form of new energy on the world's grids. Tech Square member, Dr. Ben Damiani is globally recognized as a solar scientist with multiple patents and accomplishments to his name. He and his team, Solar Inventions, are celebrating the win of American Made Solar Prize, a startup competition sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology Group and the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL).


During a lunch and learn in the Centergy lobby, Dr. Damiani broke down the basic workings of solar panels and shared his team's unique design of C3 cells that used innovative technology to prevent hot spots while improving the safety and efficiency of solar panels. This design awarded Solar Inventions $650,000 in prize money and another $150,000 in vouchers for use in US National Labs for collaborative research


You can learn more about C3 panels in this quick video curtsey of :

About Solar Inventions

Solar Inventions was created with a mission to accelerate the pace of innovation in solar and other clean energy solutions.

Our first wave of products are based on the work of Dr. Ben Damiani. His breakthroughs in the fundamental science of photovoltaics expand the flexibility and effectiveness of traditional solar technology. Unlike most solar innovations, our products compliment existing technologies and don't require new equipment or manufacturing techniques. Our benefits include increased power, improved shading tolerance, and reduced hotspot risk.

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