Tech Square Peer Check-In: Adjusting to Isolation

In compliance to CDC recommendations for social distancing, many companies at Tech Square are doing their part to “flatten the curve” by working from home. Out of curiosity for how teams are adapting with the current events, we created (a virtual) space to check in with a handful of our members via video conferencing.


Here’s the general consensus: personal interaction with colleagues is the aspect of work that people are missing the most. In addition to organizing social conference calls to combat isolation blues, below are 3 ways our members are maintaining their personal wellness as they adjust to this new reality.

1. Cycling

Going out for solo rides is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, as long as your rides are timed appropriately to avoid crowded routes.

I always try to stay physically active. I love cycling. It’s how I disconnect.
— Dennis Yancey, Marauder Robotics

2. Challenging friends with mobile games

Apps like Game Pigeon make it easy to play mobile games with friends. Though mobile gaming isn’t a new technology, the challenge of winning rounds or seeing who gets a higher score doesn’t get old.

I average about 2 chess games a day with my friends, so it’s been fun! Maybe after this, I’ll become a really good chess player.
— Karima Alkhalid, Accenture Applied Intelligence

3. Working out using VR

It’s no surprise that video games are currently being played at record levels. With gyms and fitness studio closures, there has never been a better time for VR exercise games.

Exercising has been key for me. I got an Occulus Quest, which comes with exercise games like boxing and Beat Saber. This wireless VR headset has been vital in staying active.
— Joey Gullo, Wahsega Labs

Find yourself trying new activities or hobbies as you ease into the lifestyle change? Let us know how it’s going via the comments below.

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