Quick Tips to Look Professional While Video Conferencing


As we transition more communication to the internet, video conferencing has become increasingly more important in our day-to-day lives. While conference calls over phone lines have been the go-to method in the past, video chat keeps everyone attentive and engaged during the conversation.

Many Tech Square companies have been recently transitioning their weekly stand-ups and check-ins, to online video conference software. Here are some quick tips on how to make yourself look more professional while connecting.

#1: Move the camera to your eyeline

Especially when using a built-in webcam on a laptop, the default angle of your camera will most likely be pointing up into your nostrils, for everyone to count the number of nose hairs instead of listening to what you’re saying. Prop up the camera so that it’s level with your eyes, making a more flattering image.


#2: Remove Distractions from the background

Again, you want the focus to be on you and what you’re saying. If you can see all of your living room furniture on camera, other people in the video conference may start playing a personal game of “I spy”. Try to have a nice flat background, free of distractions.
Keeping your door locked might also be a good idea if you can.

#3: Brighten up your face - add Light

What’s the point of video if we can’t see you? Bring in a lamp or purchase a small LED light to eliminate shadows on your face. If your video call is during the day, try to move so you’re facing a window, and let the natural light provide a better looking picture.

Keep these tips in mind for any type of video conferencing. Whether it’s a quick check-in meeting, a job interview, or online hangout with friends, make sure your webcam is representing yourself the best it can.

VideoJared Serfozovideo, tips