How ATDC HealthTech Companies Are Pivoting

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In a response to social distancing, ATDC continued to connect and educate by moving their networking event, Entrepreneurs’ Night, to an online dinner party. Over 30 participants tuned in from the comfort of their couch, to chat with Berkley Baker (ATDC HealthTech Startup Catalyst Manager) and Connie Casteel (ATDC SBIR GA/MEP Interface Manager) about entrepreneurial funding and how ATDC HealthTech companies are pivoting during the COVID-19 crisis. For instance, Physician 360 offers on-demand video chat with doctors for acute illness. Now, using real-time epidemiological data and standard of care guidelines from the CDC, their network of physicians across 48 states are offering consultations for Coronavirus screening.

Thrust video game developers, are working on interactive educational content to reduce anxiety and misinformation related to COVID-19.

These are just a couple of examples of how companies are responding (we will highlight more in future posts). For many entrepreneurs and small businesses, this can be an unsure and difficult time. The main takeaway from this is that you are not alone. There is a huge opportunity for innovation and new technologies to emerge and help combat this negative situation. Now, more than ever, is the time to get creative and revisit the solution your company is trying to solve.

The good news? Our government is currently looking to fund COVID-19 crisis solutions in areas of health (including vaccines, testing, medical supplies), military aid, logistics, and education.

Check out these resources where to find funding:

About our partner, ATDC:

The Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) at Georgia Tech is Georgia’s technology incubator. Founded in 1980, ATDC has developed a global reputation for fostering technological entrepreneurship. Forbes named ATDC to its list of “Incubators Changing the World” in 2010 and 2013, alongside Y Combinator and the Palo Alto Research Center.

About Berkley Baker: Berkly leads ATDC’s HealthTech vertical and coaches companies in that space. He has served as the vice president of sales and business development for a healthcare technology firm, was a facilitator at The Center for Leadership Studies, a strategic consultant of executive teams, and a sales representative from multiple medical device companies. Berkley has 20 years of sales experience, approximately 10 years of experience as a trainer and about 7 years of consulting.

About Connie Casteel: Connie helps ATDC entrepreneurs around the state understand and secure federal funding from the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs — highly competitive research awards up to $1.5 million.  Connie’s background is in proposal development, competitive intelligence, data management, and innovation. Connie began her Georgia Tech career helping to support technology transfer of NASA-developed innovations for three southeastern NASA field centers. Prior to her work at Georgia Tech, Connie was employed by TMP’s Executive Search Division and Solvay Pharmaceuticals.

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