2020 Vision for the New Year

The community kicked off 2020 by setting good intentions and preparing for new achievements. Theresa Ward (The Fiery Feather) guided an intimate discussion on protecting your personal energy and setting boundaries in the new year. The conversation led us into a strategic goal-setting workshop where learned the tools needed to bring our visions to life. The night wrapped up with everyone designing visual representations of their goals and walking home with their own vision boards.

In a round discussion, with questions submitted from the audience, we unpacked the following:

  • How do you prioritize meetings and events that you should say no to?

  • What do you do with toxic people who drain your energy?

  • What's the best way to balance external demands so you can protect your energy, without alienating others?

Attendees from Accenture, Anthem, Gather, ATDC, Delta, Georgia Pacific, and more brought different prospectives to the conversation.

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Eliminate Distractions

There was a general consensus that phone apps can drain most of our energy and distract us from our daily tasks. We challenged each attendee to delete at least one app from their phone in an exercise inspired by The Empathy Lab

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