Hump Day Exchange: Best of 2017


We finished 2017 by creating a sampler of the Hump Day Exchange podcast, which offered a veritable buffet of delicious tidbits from some of our best conversations in 2017.

Over the course of last year, we talked to 30 guests across 10 episodes to explore the latest developments in smart cities, global tech hubs, the student hustle, and more. Each of these conversations highlighted the breakthrough ideas, talent, and companies that call Tech Square home. 

For this sampler, we're diving back into virtual reality, drones, and eSports. Tune in for morsels you might have missed the first time around.

Don't want to miss future podcasts? Subscribe on Soundcloud or iTunes.

Let us know -- what topics should we delve into for 2018?  We’ll be trying a couple new things with our podcasting this year and welcome your feedback

The latest episode of Hump Day Exchange is a veritable buffet of delicious tidbits from some of our best conversations in 2017. Throughout the year, we talked to 30 guests across 10 episodes to explore the latest developments in smart cities, global tech hubs, the student hustle, and more. Each of these conversations highlighted the breakthrough ideas, talent, and companies that call Tech Square home.  For this sampler, we're diving back into virtual reality, drones, and eSports. Tune in for morsels you might have missed the first time around.

Hump Day Exchange presented in partnership between Sandbox ATL and ATDC.