Tesla Battery Day Expectations

Because of our curiosity and excitement with anything related to technology, we at Tech Square ATL Social Club are incredibly excited for Tesla Battery Day – which is only a few days away (yay!) – and what news will come with it. As the insightful thinkers we are, of course we have our own speculations and predictions, so keep reading to find out more on what we expect is to come.


Many people have different beliefs on what will happen Tuesday, September 22. There is a lot of speculation around the effects the revelations (whatever they may be) will have on Tesla stock. Some believe that their stock will grow, as others say it will decline. 

Other areas of interest are centered around why Tesla bought Maxwell Technologies last year. It is believed this purchase was due to the dry battery electrode (DBE) manufacturing technique that could add about 23 percent to Tesla’s current battery energy density, with room to double it. 

But it isn’t only about increased energy density – a large part of this special day is about cost reduction and production capacity. The typical production process of a battery involves wet and toxic chemicals, which then needs to dry and be baked off. Currently, this uses a lot of floor space and ovens, but with the DBE technique, that step would be skipped and production capacity would increase, and with that, there would be a cost reduction. 

Additionally, Tesla’s production and sales rates are increasing dramatically, and being able to supply their car and energy business with enough cells is their biggest hurdle. In fact, while ramping up the Model 3, they had to redirect production from Tesla Energy, where they make solar panels and solar roofs, to their car production.

There are other speculations around whether there will be any news about the million-mile battery, as Battery Day is seen as the best time for such an announcement. In an interview with The Driven, Dan Blondel, CEO at Canada’s Nano One, believes the real value in the million-mile battery for the average driver is its underlying durability, because this enables tangible benefits like aggressive charging, longer range, smaller sizes, and lower costs. He also believes the million-mile lifespans will be important to buses, taxis, fleet vehicles, and renewable energy storage, where daily depletion of the battery and low cost of ownership necessitate it.

What we do know is that Tesla has been in contact with chinese company Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd (CATL), which already confirmed it has a unit prepared to run 1.24 million miles, but that doesn’t mean Tesla would be adapting it or creating something like it for its future vehicles.

Clearly, it remains to be seen what Elon Musk will unveil. However, in honor of the big day, we’re hosting a hybrid in-person and live-streamed discussion with Tesla Owners Club of Atlanta. Join us on Tuesday, September 22 at 5 p.m. to converse over light refreshments about the future of battery technology, Tesla vehicles, and more. Immediately following will be a Tesla Battery Day watch party.

A limited number of people will be allowed to attend the event in-person at The Clubhouse, so please be sure to RSVP ahead of time. For those who cannot make it, we will live stream the discussion.   


Tesla has produced 82,272 cars and delivered 90,650 to customers, with numbers about five percent lower than the same quarter in 2019. The decrease seemingly due to the company’s main factory in California being closed until mid-May because of the pandemic.

What do you think will be unveiled? Let us know in the comments below. 

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