Posts tagged Creative Corner
Creative Corner: Sheena Williams

To highlight our appreciation for the arts, we’ve implemented a “Creative Corner” series – articles and social posts showcasing the recent projects and collections from our community members. This week, we’re featuring Sheena Williams, a self-taught maker of things, who learned her creative techniques from being in her fathers workshop.

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Creative Corner: Rachel Argot

Though we think of ourselves as profound storytellers, we at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club also recognize that art takes on many forms of expression. From poetry to photography and everything in between, we have a prolific appreciation of art, whether it’s through the impact art has on communities, murals we’ve painted in The Clubhouse, or anything we’ve spotted around the neighborhood.

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Creative Corner: Shruti Vedula

Though we think of ourselves as profound storytellers, we at Tech Square ATL Social Club also recognize that art takes on many forms of expression. To highlight such appreciation for the arts, we’ve implemented a “Creative Corner” series – articles and social posts showcasing the recent projects and collections from our community members. This week we are featuring Shruti Vedula, a Georgia Tech student and Director of Marketing for Startup Exchange (SX).

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