Bits of Good Celebrates Spring Semester Solutions at Demo Day

To close out the Spring semester, Bits of Good (BoG) hosted their final event, Demo Day, where members were invited to come together, share recent project accomplishments, and celebrate another successful semester of social good. 


Bits of Good members, Georgia Tech students, nonprofit partners, and other local community members gathered at The Clubhouse early April to see all the progress made since hosting their launch party in January. The student organization focuses on encouraging students to use their technical skills for social good by collaborating with Atlanta-based nonprofits to create software tools the nonprofits can use to solve any problems they might have.


Students on 10 project teams (who work directly with BoG’s nonprofit partners and internal facing teams) displayed their work from the semester to other members, faculty, friends, parents, and more. From tracking Alzheimer’s to organizing sustainable energy processes, the variety of projects were remarkable.  


Attendees walked around, interacted with the teams, heard their pitches, and asked questions to learn more about the team’s insights and takeaways. The nonprofit representatives were also able to witness the work they helped support, as well as socialize with their student partners! 


Beyond socializing and connecting with others, additional learnings and insights were had by all as well! One of the project teams, the Atlanta Professional Fire Fighters Association, informed the audience of the growing importance and pertinence of customizable one-size-fits-all solutions for nonprofits. Many of them need similar deliverables/applications that can be customized to their branding and messaging and they are bringing back old projects such as Mapscout to customize them. Meanwhile, the Brain Exercise Initiative emphasized the importance of math games to counter the effects of dementia, as they included game activities in their application for their users. 


Bits of Good’s work elevates the social good work of nonprofit organizations all over Atlanta and Georgia. The group helps to redefine how students are able to give back and simultaneously develop their technical and professional skill sets while creating lasting connections. Impressively, they have scaled their organization to over 130 members and have worked with 30+ nonprofit clients. Many of their members have graduated to work in top technological companies such as Microsoft, Google, Meta, and Bloomberg, and have attributed their successes to the skills they have gained from Bits of Good and the connections established during the end of the semester Demo Day events. 


Tech Square ATL fosters a culture of innovation, which aligns seamlessly with BoG’s team of problem solvers, working tirelessly to produce functioning solutions to real world problems. 

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