Community Member Spotlight: Caroline Dunn

Meet Caroline Dunn, VP of Marketing at Wahsega. When she isn’t busy growing, building, and inspiring her marketing team, you can find her running, brunching, or traveling.


As part of our Community Member Spotlight series, we caught up with Caroline about a favorite project she’s worked on, how she’s helped us promote our community activations, an interesting fact about her, and one thing she’d tell others about Tech Square ATL Social Club. 


Q: What's a favorite project of yours and why?

A: My favorite project is any project that combines creativity with technology. I love showing people how technology can make lives better or solve problems. At Wahsega, I’ve turned our digital PA system into digital signage to promote upcoming events. 

Q: What's something about you that's not on your resume?

A: I suffer from motion sickness, but I’ve traveled to 42 countries. Also, in 2021, I ran the Chicago Marathon (26.2 miles) – my fourth marathon since 2014.

Q: What's one thing you would tell people about Tech Square ATL Social Club?

A: I’ve enjoyed the diversity of community events from Unlocked ATL Midtown to dog therapy to lantern making at The Clubhouse. Companies big and small can host their activation to create connections in the Midtown community. At a time when we are coming out of the pandemic lockdown, Tech Square ATL Social Club has been a great place to start networking again.

Q: What's your favorite restaurant/cafe in the Tech Square neighborhood?

A: Mukja Korean Fried Chicken. Peter Chang is the Co-Founder and a 2019 Georgia Tech graduate. 

Q: What are your social handles for those that want to get in touch?


Instagram: @thecarolinedunn 



Twitter: @thecarolinedunn

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