Local Entrepreneurs Connect in Tech Square at ATL Unlocked

For those in the startup and entrepreneurial space, the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) is an all-too-familiar name. As Georgia’s technology business incubator, the organization assists in ideation through commercial success and everything in between, with their latest efforts including involvement in a series of events across metro Atlanta. And since ATDC takes residency right in Tech Square’s Centergy One building, we knew it made perfect sense to team up with them for an unforgettable evening. 


As the third event in the series, and sponsored by key players Collaborative Real Estate and The University Financing Foundation (TUFF), ATL Unlocked invited members and local entrepreneurs to experience different innovation centers and districts across metro Atlanta. Focused on forming connections, the tour aims to start conversations between the region’s diverse community of creators, innovators, founders, and entrepreneurs, with the ultimate goal of transforming Atlanta into an accessible ecosystem where these individuals can thrive. 

The evening started in the ATDC lobby, where participants mixed and mingled over complimentary BBQ and adult beverages before having the unique opportunity to hear from some heavy-hitters in the space: 

  • John Avery – Director, Advanced Technology Development Center

  • Alex Gonzalez – CIO, Metro Atlanta Chamber

  • Kevin Green – President/CEO, Midtown Alliance

  • Greg King – Associate VP for Economic Development, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Vasant Kamath – Partner, Engage/Tech Square Ventures

  • Rahul Saxena – Interim Director, Create-X

  • Kevin Byrne – President and CEO, The University Financing Foundation

Topics were as diverse as the attendees themselves, but the overarching theme was centered around innovation in Atlanta and how perseverance is essential for a startup to be successful.


Immediately following the networking portion, the crowd moved down to The Clubhouse for dessert, puzzle challenges, and raffles. Prior to entering the 9,000 square foot facility, they were gifted a physical key and prompted to use it to “unlock” the puzzles waiting for them inside for special prizes. 

Out of the 38 people who attempted to solve the puzzles, 20 were successful (52.6%) and 18 (47.4%) were, unfortunately, not so lucky. However, one special contest, Muhammad “Drom” was able to solve all six puzzles! He said he had a natural understanding of puzzles, and he even won an extra book for completing all of the puzzle challenges. 

Despite the outcome of puzzle attempts, several were deemed winners that night, as over 20 prizes were given away, including Amazon gift cards, Starbucks gift cards, industry-related books, and even free memberships to Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club.

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