Recess: Battling the Blood Shortage

As politicians battled the polls during the Georgia primaries, we at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club were at The Clubhouse with American Red Cross, battling the blood shortage.

In Atlanta, Tuesday, May 24 was all about communities coming together – something we know all too well. Whether it was to elect government officials or to give back to those in need, it was a momentous day for all. For those in Tech Square, they joined our Recess to help save lives and reduce the blood emergency.

As our heros donated, we uncovered some interesting things. For instance, the United States is currently in the most severe blood shortage we’ve faced in over a decade. More so, the American Red Cross provides about 40 percent of our nation’s blood and blood components, meaning they need all the donors they can get. Fortunately, mutliple members of our community are pre-registered with the American Red Cross to give blood at least once a year, if not more!

At the end of the day, six pints of blood were collected, which can help up to 18 people. And no matter your political stance, helping out one another is something we can all rally behind.

Would you be interested in donating at a future blood drive? Let us know in the comments below!

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