Tech Square Community Attends TEDxGeorgiaTech’s Open Mic Night

On Thursday, March 10, TEDxGeorgiaTech (TEDxGT), a student-run organization, hosted their semester event, Open Mic Night, at The Clubhouse. As TEDxGT’s venue and technology partner, Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club helped facilitate this exciting gathering, with a mix of students, members, and guests showing up to the 9,000 square foot venue to showcase ideas that inspire change at Tech Square, on Georgia Tech's campus, and beyond!

Prior to the festivities commencing, we asked attendees to share what their TED Talk topic would be. An outpouring of responses were recorded, including subjects such as cheese, robotics in healthcare, organizing, and everything in between:

As attendees waited for the much-anticipated event to start, community members enjoyed complimentary beverages and snacks while mingling with both familiar faces and fresh ones. Then came the moment everyone was waiting for. 

From inspirational stories to slam poetry to belting out the tunes, over 15 different performers took center stage to share their talent and passion with the audience. Whether it was practicing a simple meditation or using the platform, Kahoot, to answer trivia questions, engagement and interaction amongst the crowd was at an all-time high. 

Overall, the night was an absolute success, with a mix of students, entrepreneurs, and young professionals all gathering to support their fellow community members. 

What would be your TED Talk topic? Let us know in the comments below.

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