TEP Talk: Business Software

Early November we headed over to Technology Enterprise Park (TEP) to dive in deep and get down to business – business software, that is. Forever feeding into our curiosity, we wanted to know what platforms our community members were using at work that directly impacted their daily lives.


BlueFin, Yardi, Sage Mas Accounting, Building Engines. These are just a few of the many available platforms companies house their important data in. So, equipped with hot cups of Joe and delicious doughnuts, our Coffee Talk: Business Software was aimed at better understanding our members – specifically the software programs they use at work and would recommend to others. 

As members stopped by to share their experiences and catch-up with others, we questioned them about their software platform usage, whether it had an adverse impact or enhanced their daily functions, and which were most favored. 

Interestingly enough, we uncovered that attendees were less interested in sharing software used during their work time and were more interested in sharing the programs they enjoyed during their free time!

A popular software used among Abbott employees was Simio, which “provides the software for simulation, production planning, and scheduling innovations that gives you fast risk analysis and cost reduction.” Additionally we learned the majority of participants preferred communicating with colleagues via Microsoft Teams as opposed to other platforms. However, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook ranked highest in terms of the most used. Nevertheless, it’s evident technology in general continuously impacts our daily lives in positive and productive ways!

What business software do you use at work? Let us know in the comments below!

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