TEP Talk: Cooking Conversions

Our Technology Enterprise Park (TEP) community, who are primarily researchers, chemists, and scientists, are known to love a good challenge. Whether it’s a pop quiz around popcorn pyrazines or true or false questions on the science behind baking, they’re always game to put their skills to the test – especially when it’s centered around their professional backgrounds. That’s why our Math + Mimosas activation about cooking conversions was the perfect forum to bring out both our nerdy and fun sides – and catch up over complimentary mimosas, of course.


Celebrating the weekend a little early, we posted up in the lobby of TEP last Thursday afternoon to start the festivities. Participants were given a card where they had to correctly answer five multiple choice questions around cooking conversions in order to receive a prize (a refreshing mimosa!): 

Initially, everyone seemed a little worried about the “conversions,” being really difficult, but relaxed a bit when they learned it was kitchen measurements. However, despite their backgrounds, only two individuals (15.38%) correctly answered all five questions! In fact, the majority of people only got two or three questions right:

Another interesting fact was that the majority of participants missed the first question. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that many of the researchers are originally from different countries and use the metric system?

Regardless, everyone was still deemed a winner that day and were rewarded ice-cold mimosas for all their hard work! 

How many questions did you correctly answer? Let us know in the comments below.