Animals Our Community Members Would Be

Every week at The Clubhouse, we pose a question on our big conversation board about what’s been on the radar for our members lately. This is designed to not only spark conversations and encourage collaboration, but to also allow us to better know our community members in a fun and unique way. Recently, we asked if they could be an animal, what would they be and why?

Imagine in another lifetime or an alternate universe you had the chance to be any animal you wished. What would you choose? We received quite a few answers ranging from small and cute koalas to fast and ferocious big cats.

The pandemic brought about many lows, but there were also some big highs – like binge-watching Tiger King, for one. The fascination with big cats spread like wildfire, and apparently is still top of mind for some of our community members, as both jaguars and panthers were mentioned.

According to National Geographic, jaguars are the largest of South America's big cats and the third largest cats in the world. Due to their size, strength, and predatory skills, they are a part of the “big cats” group, which also includes tigers, leopards, cheetahs, and cougars. 

According to AZ Animals, panthers are also a part of the big cat family. They are native to Asia, Africa, and the Americas. “Panther” is actually a general name to refer to any black-colored feline that’s part of the big cats group. Panthers are known for being elusive and powerful animals that, over the years, have been able to adapt well in a variety of habitats around the globe. 

Other members, a bit on the less adventurous side, would prefer to be a more mainstream and chill animal, like a koala. Cute, cuddly, and known for getting ample amounts of sleep, who wouldn’t want to be one of these adorable tree-dwellers?

Many people believe koalas are bears and although they look similar, koalas are actually marsupials (pouched mammals). This group includes kangaroos, wallabies, and possums as well. According to the San Diego Zoo Animal Wildlife Alliance, koalas are native to southeastern and eastern Australia and live in eucalyptus forests. 

Just like the “If you could have dinner with two famous people, who would it be?” question that is popular to ask during interviews, so is uncovering which animal you’d choose. Employers may ask unusual questions so they can become more familiar with your personality and characteristics, aside from your resume and more traditional questions. This particular question helps employers see how creative you are, your ability to think quickly, and provide a thoughtful answer. These answers can show your strengths, qualities, and moral character.


In the National Geographic encyclopedia, we found that people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, but the first zoological parks were created as private collections by the wealthy to show their power.

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Let us know in the comments below.

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