Community Member Spotlight: Fernando Raffo

Meet Fernando Raffo, Director of Operations for Bits of Good. When he isn’t working on event planning or budgeting, you can find Fernando trying new restaurants or getting into archery.

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As part of our Community Member Spotlight series, we caught up with Fernando about a favorite project of his, something about him that’s not listed in his resume, what excites him the most about what he’s studying in school, and one thing he’d tell others about Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club.

Q: What's your favorite project with TEDxGT so far and why? 

A: By being part of the operations department, I don't get that much time working on the nonprofit projects, but, if I had to pick one, I really like our General Solution. I think it is a great way in which we are being able to help many nonprofits at the same time, given we are creating something that can be adapted to the needs of different nonprofits. Within operations, I really like when we work on sponsorship. I think that the process of working on getting something out that is suitable for the companies and for us is amazing! 

Q: What's something about you that's not on your resume? 

A: I really like working on social good causes. Before coming to the U.S., back in my home country, I worked with a place that supported children and mothers that have come out of deplorable situations. After some time working with them, some peers and I founded a small nonprofit dedicated to supporting them.

Q: What excites you the most about what you're studying in school? 

A: I really like all the different areas you get to explore in Industrial Engineering (IE). I love to be able to learn and work on things that require knowledge from a lot of areas, like business, computer science, and logistics, for example. I think this major really gives you exposure to all of those things and more!

Q: What do you enjoy doing during your time off? 

A: I really enjoy doing archery and trying new foods and restaurants!

Q: What's one thing you would tell people about Tech Square ATL Social Club? 

A: Tech Square ATL Social Club is such a great community that goes above and beyond for everyone in it. I think they bring much needed support to organizations like us (Bits of Good) and incentivize collaboration between different organizations involved with them and their members.

Q: What's your favorite restaurant/cafe in the Tech Square neighborhood?

A: Land of a Thousand Hills has good coffee and a nice ambience!

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