The Sweet Treat Our Community Craves

Every week at The Clubhouse, we pose a question on our big conversation board about what’s been on the radar for our members lately. This is designed to not only spark conversations and encourage collaboration, but to also allow us to better know our community members in a fun and unique way. Recently, we asked our community members what their favorite cereal is. 

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Whether it’s due to the vast amount of cereal options (back in 2012, it was cited there were roughly 4,945 different types of cereal!), or just the unique preferences of our members, we were actually surprised there wasn’t a single duplicate answer. However, chocolate was a prominent theme, with 50 percent of the responses including that delicious flavor. And despite Cinnamon Toast Crunch making headlines as of late, it and a similar cereal were both listed as favorites.

In general, cereal has been a breakfast (or nighttime, if you’re a true cereal elitist) staple since the late 1800s, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, demand for easily-accessible, eat-at-home products has increased, with cereal sales rising by 214 percent!

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And besides the obvious reasons of asking our community this question (we’re major foodies AND nerds, okay?), there was intention behind it. The International Association for Cereal Science and Technology bridges the gap between both worlds. Founded in 1955 on the occasion of the 3rd International Bread Congress in Hamburg, Germany as "International Association for Cereal Chemistry" (ICC), it now is an established international association and unique platform connecting cereal scientists and technologists. According to their website, the ICC’s involvement in both cereal science and technology includes:

  • Organizing international events on trending topics in the field

  • Involvement in international research projects and networks

  • Validating and standardizing test methods

  • Expanding and improving the efficient utilization of cereals

  • Promoting domestic and international trade

  • Cooperating with other international organizations

  • Supporting young cereal and food scientists and continuous professional development

So, who says you can’t have your cereal and eat it, too? 

What’s your favorite cereal? Let us know in the comments below.