TEP Talk: Equal Parts Art and Science at Fe-Brew-Ary Event

On a beautiful and unseasonably warm Thursday last week, we were fortunate enough to spend the entire day outside at Technology Enterprise Park (TEP) with Master Brewer, Nicholas Fowler, for our part-one of our Mind of a Maker event. The Feb-Brew-Ary festivities included an end-to-end brewing demo, insight into the art and science behind brewing great beer, and even the opportunity to suggest a name for the first-ever TEP beer. 


As Fowler worked on brewing a Dry Irish Stout specifically for TEP, community members stopped by during different phases of the brewing process to discuss the chemistry and art that goes into crafting a great beer. From the dry, torched hops to the perfectly blended barley, it's clear brewing is both an art and a science. Also evident was the amount of fun people were having watching the Master Brewer at work while enjoying delicious pre-brewed beverages in the sunshine. 




Throughout the day, attendees were also campaigning for their TEP beer name suggestions to get the most votes – and the competition was fierce! With over 20 unique name submissions, we tallied the first round of votes to narrow it down to the top five finalists:

  1. Celtic Fowler

  2. Legendary Leprechaun

  3. Leprechaun Buzz

  4. Keg on the Front Porch

  5. Sweet Irish Leprechaun

Voting is live now, so be sure to submit yours by Monday, March 15. And let’s not forget the other top contenders! Though we're all naturally competitive, we recognize everyone can’t be winners. So, let's pour one out for all of the name contenders that were really creative, but didn't quite make the cut – at least, not this time! 


All in all, the event was quite a success. And the best part? The fun and learning isn’t over! Mark your calendars for the second-half of the Mind of a Maker event on Thursday, March 18 from 4 - 5 p.m. at TEP. Stop by to join Master Brewer Nicholas Fowler for the community-voted name reveal of the TEP Dry Irish Stout while tasting the finished product and testing your beer knowledge. And don’t forget to vote in the meantime!


Stainless steel has lower heat conductivity than other metals, causing it to heat up slowly, but then retain heat longer. This poses both opportunity and difficulty in brewing and biotech devices alike, however, SpaceX actually decided to make Starship out of stainless steel for those exact benefits.

What would you name the TEP beer? Let us know in the comments below!

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