Streaming Services and Their Popularity

Every week at The Clubhouse, we pose a question on our big conversation board about what’s been on the radar for our members lately. This is designed to not only spark conversations and encourage collaboration, but to also allow us to better know our community members in a fun and unique way. Last week, we were curious about four streaming services they use.


We found, from our community members that participated, the majority (36%) use Netflix, which is no real surprise. After all, it’s the most popular streaming service in the world, with 183 million users. The runner up was Hulu (26%), followed by a tie between Disney+ and Spotify at 19 percent.

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Streaming services, in general, are a popular topic of conversation around here. Previously, we have discussed the failure of a mobile streaming service, the future of music streaming, and we’ve even suggested a few docuseries on Netflix.

But what makes streaming services so popular to begin with? Cable has been on the decline for a couple of years now and you can’t just blame streaming platforms, like Netflix and Hulu, for this downward trend. Cable prices have skyrocketed over the years and honestly, who wants to pay more for less content, when you can pay less for better quality content that doesn’t have advertisements “ruining” your time whilst enjoying a show or movie? 

Not to mention, some streaming platforms, like Hulu, also offer packages that are very similar to cable. Hulu Live, for example, provides consumers all the channels cable offers, plus the ability to add on HBO Max, Showtime, and other premium channels, for an additional fee.  

Lastly, due to the pandemic, people have leaned on streaming services as an escape and form of entertainment even more than they did before. With that, it’s no wonder the amount of users per platform has also risen. Behind Netflix comes Amazon Prime Video (150 million users), Disney+ (86 million users), Hulu (36 million users), and Apple TV (33 million users).


Netflix was the pioneer of tv streaming services, launching its online platform back in 2007.

What streaming platforms do you use? Let us know in the comments below.

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