TEP Talk: The Future of Sports Technology

Being the big tech nerds and sports enthusiasts that we are at Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club, we embraced both sides to host a Coffee Talk aptly titled “The Future of Sports Technology.”

Positioned in the lobby of Technology Enterprise Park (TEP), and armed with fresh coffee and munchkin doughnuts, we asked our community members – even a couple from the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) who drove over just for the activation – to share what new inventions would make sports more fun to watch or play!

The answers varied across different sports and the technology they’d like to see associated with it:

  • Baseball: A speed gun to measure speed pitch

  • Baseball: Computer vision

  • Football: Digital indicators

  • Football: A hologram at the super bowl halftime show

  • Football and Soccer: Replace referees with computers

  • Tennis: 3D imaging

  • Racing: Tracking devices to track time, speed, and distance

There was also discussion around if instant replay is going to be used, it should be an all or nothing thing – not just some of the time for specific things. Even Doug Alvine, Assistant Athletic Director of Georgia Tech (GT), stopped by to learn more about what others were saying, and share some of his insight around GT athletics. 

All in all, attendees were “team tech” and really enthused about using more technology in sports! 

What technology would you like to see used in sports in the future? Let us know in the comments below.

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