TEP Mind of a Maker: Podcasting With a Pro

With September 30, 2021 being International Podcast Day, what better way to celebrate an occasion connecting podcasters, listeners, and supporters than to host a Mind of a Maker activation, which is a demonstration, workshop, or creative activity with community members, at Technology Enterprise Park (TEP)?


Complete with a full setup of professional podcasting equipment, our Podcasting With a Pro event invited our community members to test out all the gear while learning all about the tools, software, content, and techniques necessary to start their own podcast. Afterward, attendees were asked to record their future predictions for what 2022 would look like. 

Even though our TEP population seemed to be well-versed in listening to podcasts, as they had recommended their favorites at our recent Coffee Talk: The Best of Books, it was interesting to uncover that the majority of participants had never put on headphones to listen to themselves through a microphone – and some found it a bit challenging!

To listen to their full predictions for 2022, check out the “official podcast” (via YouTube) recording below:

What’s your future prediction for 2022? Let us know in the comments below!