The Endless Possibilities for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is constantly advancing, so as a technology and data-driven community, we were naturally curious about the endless possibilities that exist for AI. We’ve previously explored the history of AI and robots and AI’s involvement in automation, but what does the future hold and where will AI be used next?

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AI has become one of the biggest accomplishments for engineers everywhere, but is AI slowly taking over the world? AI is now being used not only in technology and science, but also in health and education. Some of its major impacts in 2021 in these respective fields will be as follows:

In technology, researchers are enabling machines to learn new concepts from fewer data samples, which means AI systems will rely less on human labeling and will learn through interactions with users. In other words, AI assistants will be teaching themselves.

In science, artificial body parts and organs are making breakthroughs around how they function. Scientists anticipate they will solve the cellular code to enable on-demand transplants, leading them one step closer to use in clinics. Recently, an engineer was able to build a bionic hand using AI after three years of research. 

In health, AI will be used to detect the earliest stages of diseases. AI will create the opportunity to reconnect science and healthcare by predicting vulnerabilities in individuals before they become ill. 

In education, AI is seen as the future of education and will be used to enhance remote learning as it works alongside teachers to deliver successful online lessons. China is leading in mass-scale e-learning solutions that combine human teachers and AI, with nine technology companies that are to deliver a learning experience that is catered to the specific needs of each child.

With AI advancing and expanding we hope to see more developments and uses for AI as 2021 progresses.

Find out more about AI and these topics from Wired, or purchase the book, The Wired World in 2021.


Honeywell bought Sparta System for $1.3B as it bets on life sciences and artificial intelligence. 

Where do you believe AI will thrive next? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: The Wired World in 2021

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