Robots vs. Automation - with Nate Damen (Atltvhead)


We sat down for an interview with Nate Damen, a graduate of Georgia Tech, Robotics Engineer, and local Beltline social icon via the persona, Atltvhead.

Nate currently works as an engineer for Dorabot, assisting in automation in assembly lines. After work, Nate spends his time working on special interactive IoT devices. Check out his recent digital interaction, created for MARTA on Valentines day.

An ongoing social project is Atltvhead, where Nate live streams video to an audience, while wearing a digital screen on his head. The live stream allows people to control the images, or emotions, displayed via chat commands.


Since Atltvhead is kind of a robot, and Nate is a Robotics Engineer himself, we asked for his thoughts on the Robot Tax Debate, the basis for a discussion earlier this quarter, with several Tech Square ATL members. (View the discussion here: Brains in a Bar: Should Robots Be Taxed)

“If you go and build an entire new building, that’s all automated, never has had a human in there, I don’t think there should be a tax.”

“If you’re directly replacing a human, ya definitely. There should be some sort of agreement there.”

Take a look at what Nate is up to, visit his instagram: @atltvhead. Be sure to check out his recent efforts, helping with @atlbeatscovid, where volunteers are working to provide healthcare workers with PPE’s.

Other Links:
Atltvhead youtube