Tech Square Peer Check-in: 2020 Vision

Earlier this year, we gathered the community for a strategic goal setting workshop focused on setting intentions and protecting personal energy. With so many changes quickly taking place, many of us have experienced roadblocks with our initial goals. For this edition to Tech Square Peer Check-in, we invited Theresa Ward (The Fiery Feather) and a few members back to see how they are doing with their goals and discuss ways we can help each other reset. The resounding takeaway among the advice shared was to be okay with adjusting or letting go of certain goals.

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Many of Theresa’s goals revolved around travelling and due to COVID-19 she’s had to put that on hold:

"When you have to let go of a goal, you have to have a little funeral for it. I really just had to take a minute to grieve and surrender that goal, and accept that reaching that goal wasn't gonna happen at the moment. “

"Instead of having an internal battle of 'Maybe things will get back to normal next week, or the week after that.' I just thought, 'It wasn’t in the cards, but that doesn’t change my personal purpose. Is there a goal that I can replace that one with or should I just stay focused on two out of the three?"

-Theresa Ward

Instead of being hard on yourself or remaining stuck, you also can use this time to pivot or focus on other goals:

I also had a lot of goals around travelling, specifically for soccer teams. One of the other goals I set for this year is to learn Spanish, since the people where a lot of the places I wanted to travel to are mainly Spanish speakers. Since the pandemic hit, I've been more consistent with practicing on DuoLingo."

-Lura McCoy

In addition to setting goals, protecting your energy is equally as important. It can sometimes be difficult to remain focused and not be distracted by the recent explosion of virtual events or 24-hour news cycle set before us. For many of us seeking advice on how to remain rational and grounded through this process, Theresa offered her four constructive questions she asks that helps her in decision making:

1. What is the unknown/fear? 
2. What is true/real? 
3. What are all my options? 
4. What is my action/choice?

What are some goals you have set in 2020 and how have they pivoted? Let us know in the comments below!


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