New Year’s Resolutions: Why We Make Them But Can’t Commit

With 2021 steadily approaching, it has come the time for New Year’s resolutions to start pouring in. We’ve all at some point said the phrase “New Year, New Me,” whilst promising ourselves that we will commit to whatever it is we want to achieve in the upcoming year, but why is it that most of us give up or leave our resolutions behind? Let’s explore!


First off, what is a New Year's resolution, anyway? It is the decision to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. It comes at a time where people are looking back on the past year and want to make an effort to better themselves as a new year begins.

The celebration of New Year’s began with the ancient Babylonions about 4,000 years ago and the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions began in the era of Caesar. Back then, they were more of a moral nature, with the intent of being kind to others, but they have since evolved over time. 

As humans, we innately like to set goals, especially at the start of something new. In fact, research shows that about 50 percent of adults in the U.S. make New Year resolutions, but less than 10 percent actually keep them for more than a few months.

So, why is it that we often break New Year's resolutions? It seems there are three psychological explanations for this:

1. Difficulty breaking old habits: When setting new goals we usually have to adapt, embrace new habits, and fix old ones, which can be hard to execute.

2. Focusing on specific outcomes: Having a specific outcome set can be defeating when achieving certain goals doesn’t happen right away.

3. Problems with purpose: We are always busy and if we aren't passionate or motivated to achieve a goal we won’t make an effort at the end of the day to actually reach it. 

Regardless of your reasons, it’s important to remember that it's okay if you didn’t achieve your New Year’s resolutions in 2020, in any of the years before, or if you don’t in 2021 either. Acknowledging things we want to improve or change is already a huge step in the right direction. 

But if you’re tired of working from home, finally want to execute that startup idea, or you just desire some more human connection in your life, Tech Square ATL (TSQATL) Social Club is the place for you. Whether it’s a change of scenery via our shared workspace, or meeting new people that share similar interests at one of our events, we’re here to help you achieve your goals and get you out of your comfort zone. Start 2021 off right and get plugged into the heart of Atlanta’s tech scene today. 


According to a survey done by OnePole on behalf of Affirm, 71 percent of people surveyed want to focus on learning life skills or practical goals, the number one being saving money for future expenses. 

Do you have any resolutions for 2021? Let us know in the comments below. 

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