MoQuality - Testing Mobile Apps with AI


MoQuality, an ATDC signature company that is working to make mobile app testing easier so developers can focus on building better experiences for their users. They started out by building a tool, called Barista, that offers a scriptless testing experience for developers. Providing automated regression testing across multiple mobile devices and easy to understand reports, allows companies to rapidly test their apps whenever releasing updates to the app store.


We spent a few minutes in Tech Square with co-founders, Shauvik Roy Choudhary and Pushkar Kolhe, to discuss what they are working on next. “Robo Testing” will use AI to mimic a normal user, instead of only following scripts. Testing apps from the point of view of real users, before it gets in the hands of customers, allows developers to provide a better first time experience.

Watch our video interview with MoQuality to see how they used their AI to find out the secret to winning the popular mobile app Flappy Bird, and be sure to check out their website at