Summer Camp Reaches Midway by Climbing a Mountain

Tech Square Summer Camp is at the halfway point, having just completed its first Mentor Circle and an outdoor adventure hike up Arabia Mountain. Both events allowing seasoned professionals and upcoming breakthrough talent to share advice from past experiences.

Creating a robust network is a major by-product with this program, as many of the discussions are lessons learned from experiencing failure at certain points along someone's career, and how it was converted into a positive outcome. The Mentor Circle included a roundtable conversation and one-on-one time between the 9 mentors and the summer interns, both providing invaluable advice. 

Here are some of the takeaways from the Mentor Cirlce:



"Don't do something because you're following an expectation, do what you're passionate about"

"Experience is everything! Failure is experience, don't wallow, learn."

"No one really knows exactly what they want to do."


On the following weekend, an intrepid group of mentors and summer campers carpooled to Arabia Mountain and enjoyed some Vitamin D and fresh air adventure. The ascent up to this gem of a hike just 20 minutes from Tech Square led into a picnic lunch and a loop hike around an adjacent lake. 

Below is a photo album from both events, please enjoy and visit for more information.