Hump Day Exchange: Blurring the Lines of Reality

Hump Day Exchange is one part social gathering of the Tech Square community and one part podcast recording. Each month, after sharing some food and drink (from an automated bartender, no less) we explore one topic from three perspectives. Each guest goes into the hot seat to talk with our host 1:1, then all three guests engage in a roundtable conversation. We end with questions from the live studio audience.

This month's episode of Hump Day Exchange focuses on the expanding fields of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. Guests include Dr. Maribeth Gandy, director of Georgia Tech's Interactive Media Technology Center, director of the GT Wearable Technology Center, and associate director of media for the Insitute for People and Technology (IPaT)Raj Aluri, the Lead Innovation Architect at Honeywell; and Ian Nott, co-founder and CTO of aetho

With our three experts from different areas of VR/AR including wearable technology, hardware, platforms for industry innovation, and platforms for entertainment purposes, we explore everything from using VR for PTSD therapy to sitting in a virtual conference room with your colleagues. Listen to find out how far current technology has already taken us, where the biggest need for development in the industry is, and what ethical questions might arise in the future. 

exploring the topic of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality with: -Dr. Maribeth Gandy, Director at Georgia Tech's Interactive Media Technology Center and Wearable Computing Center -Raj Alluri, Lead Innovation Architect at Honeywell -Ian Nott, Co-Founder and CTO at Aetho, an ATDC startup

Hump Day Exchange presented in partnership between Sandbox ATLATDC, and GT's Scheller College of Business