Celebrating Park(ing) Day with a Free Nissan Leaf

There are an estimated 500 million parking spots in the United States.

Park(ing) day is a global movement seeking to reimagine how we use our public spaces. Every year, Tech Square takes part as student groups and local businesses repurpose an area the size of a parking space to create mini public parks for rest and play. 

"It's a time to seriously think about how to best use the resources of our planet," said Frank Jones of Southern Company.

This year, festivities included a graffiti wall, a Rubix cube competition, a Yoga and meditation spot, and a game room complete with foosball, cornhole, and Plinko. 

The event coincided with National Drive Electric Week, and what better way to celebrate than giving away a free electric car? Sofia Carpenter was the very lucky winner of a Nissan Leaf, sponsored by Southern Company and Georgia Power.

"Oh my god!" Sofia celebrated, grinning ear to ear. "I'm going to drive home and give the car to my sister." 

Next year's Park(ing) Day is slated for Friday, September 15 -- plenty of time to dream up what you want to build in a nine-by-18 foot space.