HackGT Wins Best in The Nation

Tech Square gained national recognition this month as Georgia Tech's own HackGT beat out 149 other schools to win first place in the 2017 MLH North American Hackathon Season. 


MLH, or Major League Hacking, is the national organization for student hacking. Their team powers 200 hackathons each year, involving 65,000 students. University teams win both merit and participation points for their involvement in MLH events. Merit points are awarded when student teams build winning projects at hackathons. Participation points are earned by sending groups of students to participate in hacks across the country. HackGT had the highest number of merit points and second highest number of participation points in all of North America. Combined, those points helped HackGT reign supreme in the 2017 season. 


The HackGT team announced their 2017 victory at the opening night of the fourth annual HackGT on Friday, October 13. Since its inception in 2013, HackGT has drawn thousands of student hackers to tackle challenges brought forth by major names like Delta, AirWatch, GE Digital, Andreesen Horowitz, AT&T, Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, State Farm, Microsoft, GM and more.

Unsure what exactly hackers create at these massive events? Take a look at all of HackGT's team submissions from last year, and watch our in-depth video to get a feel for what it's like to get in on the action. 

Congratulations to the entire HackGT team for their impressive victory!
