Hump Day Exchange: Global Tech Hubs

Cities rise from commerce. Buffalo of the 1800s was a connection point between the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes. Detroit sat further west on the Great Lakes. The San Francisco peninsula was on the far end of the Gold Rush. All of them were the center of the tech universe in their prime. Buffalo attracted Edison and Tesla. Detroit begat Ford. San Francisco gave us Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and more.

Knowing you can’t copy or recreate another’s success (but can emulate it), there seems to be a reformulation of approaches for the next wave of global tech hubs. Those who focus on their strengths and comparative advantages will rise. So who’s on the rise? That’s what we explore in this episode, featuring Adora Cheung from Y Combinator, Grant Wainscott from the Metro Atlanta Chamber, and Dave Williams from NomadX in Lisbon. 

Cities rise from commerce. Those who focus on their strengths and comparative advantages will rise. So who’s on the rise? That’s what we explore in this episode, featuring Adora Cheung from Y Combinator, Grant Wainscott from the Metro Atlanta Chamber, and Dave Williams from NomadX in Lisbon.

Hump Day Exchange is one part social gathering of the Tech Square community and one part podcast recording. Each month, after sharing some food and drink, we explore one topic from three perspectives. Each guest goes into the hot seat to talk with our host 1:1, then all three guests engage in a roundtable conversation. We end with questions from the live studio audience.

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Hump Day Exchange is a collaborative effort of Sandbox ATL and ATDC.