Hump Day Exchange: Design Driven

Hump Day Exchange is one part social gathering of the Tech Square community and one part podcast recording. Each month, after sharing some food (and drink) (from an automated bartender, no less) we dive deep, exploring one topic from three perspectives.

Episode 3, "Design Driven" highlighted the importance of good design in everything we build, from robots to railway stations. Guests included J Cornelius from Nine Labs, Amanda Rhein from MARTA, and Dave Black from ATDC company Medicare Pathfinder

What does MARTA plan to do with it's 17,000 unused parking spaces? What's the difference between user experience and user interface? And what the heck are psychographics? Find answers to these questions and many, many more by listening to the podcast below. 

Presented in partnership between Sandbox ATLATDC, and GT's Scheller College of Business

Want to be part of the next Hump Day Exchange? Check the event calendar for tickets so you can attend the next time it gathers. It's held the second Wednesday from 5-7pm in The Garage under Tech Square.