ATDC Showcase 2016

More than 880 registered to attend the 2016 ATDC Startup Showcase on May 12 — breaking the attendance record set the previous year. The Showcase is the Advanced Technology Development Center’s (ATDC) signature event of the year and features startups showing their most innovative and problem-solving solutions across a number of diverse sectors.

To cap off the day, attendees and members of the wider community gathered in The Garage for an after party filled with cold beverages, tasty eats, and hearty conversations. The room was full of energy as people renewed old friendships and made new connections. It wasn't till much later in the evening when the final circles of conversations came to a close. 

Mark your calendar for the ATDC Showcase 2017 happening April 11, 2017. Details here


The Secretary of Energy Visits Tech Square


Tech Square Job Fair - Spring 2016