Hump Day Exchange: Crowds on Fire


Hump Day Exchange is one part social gathering of the Tech Square community and one part podcast recording. Each month, after sharing some food (and drink) (from an automated bartender, no less) we dive deep, exploring one topic from three perspectives.

Episode 4, "Crowds on Fire" probed the intersection of entertainment and activism, tapping into the passion of audiences and fans. Three digital media mavens shared how Crowds on Fire are coming together to make a difference in their local communities, generate attention for social issues, and help gamers and content creators generate revenues to fuel their craft. Guests included Mike Walbert from A3C Festival & ConferenceAmelia Davis from General Assembly and #ilooklikeadeveloper, and  Roger Lopez from ATDC company Sideqik

What do entrepreneurs and hip hop artists have in common? How can the entertainment industry positively impact the community? And what can we do today to ensure the Atlanta tech community of tomorrow is as diverse as our population? Find answers to these questions and many, many more by listening to the podcast below. 

Presented in partnership between Sandbox ATLATDC, and GT's Scheller College of Business

Want to be part of the next Hump Day Exchange? Check the event calendar for tickets so you can attend the next time it gathers. It's held the second Wednesday from 5-7pm in The Garage under Tech Square.